Ready Set Go
vinyl album | CD album |
UK) 3MS Music
/ 3MS016CD
released on 29th June 2018 |
track listing |
Big Chantelle | House of You |
Who Chaser | Doo Wop Nation |
Crash Party | Come All Ye |
It Will Stand | Darkwing and Honeybee |
Mr.Sloane | A Love Like Eye |
That Girl | Song of the Slave |
Kink Mess
| |
musicians |
Steve Parsons : | vocals / guitars |
Chris Spedding : | guitars |
Tosh Ogawa : | bass |
Nick Judd : | keyboards |
Gene Clark : | drums |
Paul Cook : | drums |
produced by : | S.Parsons and C.Spedding |
recording data |
at Smokehouse Studios, London, UK